Saturday, July 11, 2009

A Few AM Thoughts

Ok, so I was wrong about the Michael thing. I guess I will never see him perform, but at least I had the next best thing a few times. There is a band around the area called "Who's' Bad" they are a Michael Jackson Tribute band and they are AWESOME. Everything is performed lived, no tracks and their Michael dresses like Mike throughout the years and man has he got a voice; he can even do butterflies! Whew! Check them out here.
You know when you find a spider or bug or something in your house and you start to think...oh man that thing is HUGE! Where did it come from!? How many more are there!? Do they crawl on me in my sleep? Well yesterday I had those tho
ughts upon encountering a large spider in my bathub. Arachnaphobia all over again! Don't worry though he's totally dead now! Here's a picture of how big he was!

I have also been watching a lot of Band of Brothers. I love this series and always try to wait a long time in between watching it. It always really moves me to a point where I am so thankful for what others have sacrificed for our country. Seeing those men in the Battle of the Bulge, at D. Day etc... As a boy I grew up with G.I. Joes and with playing war in the backyard; I was alway the hero of course. I begin to wonder though as I watch these men risk their lives in valiant efforts if I would be that brave when the situation arose? Would I be that guy in Saving Private Ryan who was too scared to even go save his friend? I hope not!

Lastly, I have started working out. Kristi and I are getting married on October 18th and I need to start losing some serious poundage, or turning this "extra" into muscle. I have worked out two days in a row now and honestly I could barely get out of bed this morning. I am so achey! Is this a getting old thing or a really out of shape thing? I think both! I will continue to stick with it and hope things get better! Pain means progress I guess. Someone used to tell me that pain was weakness leaving the body. I can't remember for the life of me who that was but apparently it stuck with me!

Until next time

Monday, July 6, 2009

Relaxation Station

Last Wednesday I left work a little early and drove to the beach to be with my family. It was such a beautiful extra long weekend mid 90's and sunny and the water was the perfect temperature! I love when it's 95 outside and you come out of the water and you still feel cold. Here are some pictures from the weekend. There aren't many because we were really busy with not doing anything so not many photos were taken!