Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Two Incredible Things

There were two incredible things that happened today. One of them was unbelievable, and the other one was embarrassingly unbelievable.  The first one is this: I had 1 dollar and 50 cents in my pocket today so that I could buy one of those "new" Mountain Dews with the natural sugars instead of the high fructose corn syrup. When I went in to buy one I found that I had lost my dollar bill. As you might understand that was very sad, but I sighed.."ahh well" and went on about my day. During my lunch break as I was walking to my apartment I looked over at the flowers that were planted there and saw my original dollar! It was crumpled up exactly like mine and had apparently fallen out this morning as I reached into my pocket to get my cell phone to call Kristi on our daily commutes! That is a first for me, finding the exact dollar I lost in a public place..Amazing. 
The second thing is this. I was in an elementary school lab and dropped my keys. As I bent down to pick them up I heard: RIIIPPPPP. Instantly I knew what this noise was. It was the noise that sends chills up everyone's spine. My pants, I knew..had ripped. I reached back to feel the damage and to my surprise there was a vertical "flap" that was about a foot long. I instantly sat down of course and tried to figure out my next plan. The Lab was toward the end school hall, so I quickly said my goodbyes and walked to the end of the hall...backwards! I pulled my shirt down in the back to cover as much as I could, and got to my car only to realize that I had left my keys in the lab. My heart sunk as I knew I would have to walk back through the front door into the lab to get my keys. I will let your imagination fill the rest in as I walked through an elementary school with the majority of my upper left thigh on display for all to see. 
What a day...What a day. 

1 comment:

Tamara said...

Very cool about the dollar, and pretty much the funniest thing I've heard all week about your pants! HA!